Stories from the foodbank

How does it feel to visit a food bank?

In 2021, we asked people who visited Harlow Foodbank to share their story with us.

What had led to them needing the service? And what did they feel would need to change for their situation to be better?

Read their stories by clicking on the pictures below. Find out more about the project and test your knowledge on Harlow Foodbank on the following pages.

Real people, real stories

As you read, please bear in mind that each of the stories shared here are from real people.

With our thanks to everyone for giving us their time and their trust


Janice, 64

I was a person who always worked. I was a self-employed live-in carer, but in…

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Peter, 62

I have my own limited company and was working on the railway, most recently, up…

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Sandra, 31

I’m a single parent with five children. I only get money for three of them…

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Lottie, 35

Normally I have to choose between monthly bills and food – that’s been going on…

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high angle cozy bed arrangement with coffee cup

Paul, 30

I was living in Stevenage but got into rent arrears with the council and was…

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Aysha, 28

I’m a single parent with two children and find it difficult to manage household bills…

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Share your story

Would you like to share your story? We hope to bring people power by having a voice, so we would love to share yours too. Please head here to send your story to us and we will be in touch.

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