Share your story

Would you like to share your story? We believe that sharing our experiences can bring many benefits:

  • it can help you to get things out of your head and write down
  • it can be empowering to tell your story in your words
  • other people can learn from your experience
  • you can show how we can change things
  • this can give us direction on how to create change together

There are some things that we’d like you to bear in mind, before you share your story:

  • Is there anyone in the world you wouldn’t want to find out what you will share?
  • Would your situation mean that sharing your story would cause you harm?

If you answer yes to either of those, please either edit out the information that could present a danger to you, or consider that it may not be right for you to share your story at this time.

As with the guidelines shared in our principles, if anything is written which we feel is abusive about people or organisation or contains offensive language, we will not publish those parts.

When you press “Submit”, your message will not be published straight away. It will come to us first, so consider this a private message for now. When we share stories, we will use a person’s first name. Please consider whether you’d like to share your real one or choose another.

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