I’m a single parent with five children. I only get money for three of them and have a Housing Benefit cap, so my Housing Benefit has been cut over the past six months. I get paid £70 Income Support every two weeks and that goes on household bills. By the time everything has come in and gone out, I have £60 a month left for everything, so once I’ve done my food shopping, it’s gone in two days. It’s all a lot to juggle. My washing machine broke the other week, so that’s another thing to sort out and pay out for.
I’m escaping domestic violence and I’ve had to move twice in a year. He’s out of prison now and they won’t move me again unless he does something.
I came to the foodbank around this time last year. We were waiting to see Santa and I was talking to the women outside and found that they were in the same situation, so it seems domestic violence affects a lot of people in this way. The Christmas presents from Santa meant the world.
Now it’s just me and the kids. We keep together and work together.
I feel guilty because the kids come home saying their friends have got this and that or have been to these places, and I can’t do that. I get a bit embarrassed asking for help, but there’s only so much I can do. I don’t care about myself, as long as my kids have food, we’re ok.