
Whether we’re talking in-person or online, we will:

Promote dignity and respect

Harlow Hive is a safe place to speak and inspire others to do the same. By taking part, we agree to treat each other with respect and dignity, even if we sometimes disagree.

Be courageous and honest

We are here to tell it how it is, not to say what is easy or convenient. We aim to drive change by raising people’s voices, providing evidence and constructively challenging ideas.

Be evidence-based

Through bringing together the experiences of people in Harlow with the findings of organisations working in the town, we will be able to give a true picture of what is happening and how things could be better. We will use testimony and statistics to challenge those in power when things could change to make people’s lives easier.

Be vocal

We will encourage you to raise your voice. We will help to amplify it to reach those places it will have the most impact for you and others.

What we are not

We aren’t a place for people to just moan: we want to take frustrations and turn them into real change.

We are not a political party, and we do not align ourselves with any political party. While we will be speaking to political parties, councillors and our MP, we are not politically affiliated. Our aim is to work with everyone who can help to progress the interests of Harlow people.

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