
Aysha, 28

I’m a single parent with two children and find it difficult to manage household bills and food. I can manage three weeks properly, but now that Universal Credit has been cut and it’s got colder and the bills are going up, I’m finding it harder and harder to manage. All the bills are too high. …

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Carole, 55

My mum passed away from covid in April 2020. Not long after, I was fired from my job. They were looking to make people redundant anyway and then used the pandemic as an excuse. It turned into a case of “We may rehire you once we know what the situation is”, but I was left …

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high angle cozy bed arrangement with coffee cup

Paul, 30

I was living in Stevenage but got into rent arrears with the council and was evicted unexpectedly in October 2020, during the first lockdown. I was really surprised at this in lots of ways – the reason I had been given the place was because I had mental health issues and had tried to commit …

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Lottie, 35

Normally I have to choose between monthly bills and food – that’s been going on for a couple of months now. The Universal Credit uplift was my shopping money and I’m getting in so much debt now. My bills – like everyone’s – have skyrocketed. House bills are rising but income and benefits aren’t. The …

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Sandra, 31

I’m a single parent with five children. I only get money for three of them and have a Housing Benefit cap, so my Housing Benefit has been cut over the past six months. I get paid £70 Income Support every two weeks and that goes on household bills. By the time everything has come in …

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Peter, 62

I have my own limited company and was working on the railway, most recently, up until July last year. I started having trouble going to the toilet. I was diagnosed with cancer and two operations later, I now have a stoma. The chemo really had a big affect on my wellbeing – even more than …

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Sophie, 49

I don’t earn enough money to support both me and my son and I had to do something, so I accessed Southend Council for a grant for food. They deal with Epping Forest people and I live in Sheering. Now I have a new job, I should be able to make ends meet. I was …

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Janice, 64

I was a person who always worked. I was a self-employed live-in carer, but in 2016, the work became less and less, so I sought an employer. I was then made redundant in 2017. In 2020, I became a widow. I’m now on Universal Credit, but at 64, I find it very difficult to find …

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