What is Harlow Hive?

Bringing people together to take action on the issues impacting Harlow

Harlow Hive is a group of people who meet weekly in person and online to create change.

We come together to share experiences, thoughts and ideas to help each other. We take action to make each other’s voices louder. We create change to make lives better.

A lone voice has power. Many voices together become even louder.

Together we aim to find support and solutions to the issues that come up. This could be through:

  • learning from others with shared experiences
  • attending a group that we put on/taking part in the forum
  • helping someone
  • sharing your story and experiences
  • finding the right support in an organisation
  • coming together to lobby those in charge of policy, to help them understand how their decisions impact lives and what could change to make it work better

You have the power to change things through sharing your voice, your experience and your knowledge.

Join us…

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