Lottie, 35

Normally I have to choose between monthly bills and food – that’s been going on for a couple of months now. The Universal Credit uplift was my shopping money and I’m getting in so much debt now. My bills – like everyone’s – have skyrocketed. House bills are rising but income and benefits aren’t. The working class, everyone generally, are struggling.

I’m the type of person who doesn’t usually do things like come to the foodbank, but I’m in such a hole, I have no option.

I have no family or friends in this town. I feel stronger on my own. I am doing what I can for me and my family.

Coming to the foodbank has made me realise that more people need to get over their pride and come here. If you’re on benefits you can feel like you’re already taking too much and don’t want to take anymore, but it doesn’t matter what your situation is, you should be able to ask for help.

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